Leadership; leaders are listeners, and readers of their audience body language. Some public speakers are like some of the DJ s back in the day.
In my night club days when the most important thing to me was to be on the dance floor. But it always depended on the DJs ability to be in tune with the crowd.
Some DJs did not master staying with the crowd that came to dance. You can tell when they will play music and did not notice that everyone left the floor. The worse part was when they will continue in that vein for three more songs. Now the dancers are sitting down and the dance lights are shining on an empty dance floor.
Some public speakers if they are trying to teach, add value and have impact, must be aware of the audience. It is a waste of time if they leave your session or conversation not knowing what you said. It will be difficult to see what was objective of the session or conversation that will help with their growth.
Some of the DJs came to play music for themselves. It did not matter what the dancers were doing, sometimes they did not even look up from their equipment.
Leaders develop Leaders