Dorian Tucker


Dorian Tucker is a John Maxwell Team member certified speaker, leadership training facilitator and coach. He retired from the Department of Corrections after 36 years of service, achieving the rank of Principal Office and is now committed to coaching men to realize their full potential to be empowered, confident and purpose driven to live a win – win life.

Dorian has always had a passion to coach and has used every opportunity throughout his career to do so. In addition, he’s made a commitment to helping parents raise their sons through parental workshops. In August 2023, Dorian received The John Maxwell Team member certification and has began coaching full-time.

He is married to his best friend, Robin, of 35 years and they are the parents of two sons children Justin and Jordan, they are grandparents and are loving every moment.

Dorian loves to travel and read, his favorite authors are John C Maxwell, Simon Sinek, and Dr. Myles Munroe on leadership. His latest interest is author Tim Elmore with his book titled Artificial Maturity.

“Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. “ – John C Maxwell


Dorian Helping Men Become Leaders

Original featured on After serving as a correction officer for 36 years, Dorian Tucker knew he had acquired sufficient knowledge to help at-risk young males in the community. Mr Tucker, who rose to the rank of principal officer before retiring this year,...

Dorian To Hold Leaders Workshop

Originally featured on Dorian Tucker will facilitate a Leaders Developing Leaders workshop for men at St Paul’s Educational Centre in Paget on Saturday, February 24. Mr Tucker, who recently retired after 36 years as a corrections officer, rising to the...

You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.

Leadership; I used hear, repeat and believe some old sayings that we have passed on from generations to generations. If we think about them they were not true. For example this one that is really popular. “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.” This maybe true for dogs...

Leaders are Listeners

Leadership; leaders are listeners, and readers of their audience body language. Some public speakers are like some of the DJ s back in the day. In my night club days when the most important thing to me was to be on the dance floor. But it always depended on the DJs...

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