Originally featured on Bernews.com
Dorian Tucker will facilitate a Leaders Developing Leaders workshop for men at St Paul’s Educational Centre in Paget on Saturday, February 24.
Mr Tucker, who recently retired after 36 years as a corrections officer, rising to the rank of principal officer, received his Certification in Speaking, Coaching and Leadership from the John C Maxwell Leadership Training programme in Orlando, Florida, last summer.
The workshop runs from 9 am to 1 pm, costing $10 per person.
Mr Tucker launched a three-day leadership workshop, Single Moms Raising Sons From A Male Perspective, for the Women’s Resource Centre in Paget in 2020.
He has also presented to the Transformational Centre, the Family Centre, and the Boys to Men summer camp.
For more details, contact 737-2207 or email dorian.e.tucker@gmail.com.